Topic: Perimenopause
This unit covers the epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of psychiatric symptoms in the menopausal transition. Self-study segments include epidemiology, hormone replacement therapy, and alternative treatments, and the classroom activity is a detailed case conference including video interviews between patient and psychiatrist. The media module concerns media portrayals of hormone replacement therapy, including information on natural or bioidentical hormones.
The recommended order of modules is:
Self-Study: Epidemiology
Classroom: Perimenopause Case Conference
Self-Study: Hormone Replacement Therapy
Self-Study: Alternative Treatments
Media Module
This module focuses on teaching clinicians how to identify risk factors specific to the perimenopausal period, how to ask about relevant social stressors, how to use appropriate scales for evaluation of vasomotor symptoms, and how to make appropriate treatment recommendations for both psychiatric and physical symptoms.
This module explores the interface between the media and reproductive psychiatry around the topic of “bioidentical” hormones.