Perinatal Depression
The classroom materials are largely downloadable guides — one for the trainee, one for a facilitator — that are designed to be used in an interactive classroom exercise. The facilitator’s guides assume that the facilitator is a psychiatric provider, but require no specialized knowledge — they can therefore be used for in-person education in programs that have no experts in women’s mental health. Many of these modules are accompanied by videos or interactive exercises on the website.
Supplemental Video
This module examines the epidemiology, risk factors, and etiology of antenatal and postpartum depression. Learners will also be introduced to the screening and diagnosis of perinatal depression, will learn about the impact of depression on pregnancy (including obstetric and psychiatric outcomes), and will understand the unique vulnerability of the postpartum period.
Supplemental Videos
This module focuses on an integrated approach to the care of the perinatal patient. Learners work on how to integrate the biological, psychological, and social perspectives into the formulation of patients with depression during pregnancy and the postpartum.
This module focuses on the reading and interpretation of the perinatal literature, in both professional and lay media. Learners will demonstrate the ability to analyze reproductive psychiatry issues as portrayed by the lay media, how to locate and analyze the scientific literature relevant to the issues raised by the lay media, and how to convey the patients accurate and clinical relevant information about “hot topics” in the lay media.
Supplemental Links
Supplemental Video
This module examines the epidemiology, risk factors, and etiology of antenatal and postpartum depression. Learners will also be introduced to the screening and diagnosis of perinatal depression, will learn about the impact of depression on pregnancy (including obstetric and psychiatric outcomes), and will understand the unique vulnerability of the postpartum period.
Supplemental Videos
This module focuses on an integrated approach to the care of the perinatal patient. Learners work on how to integrate the biological, psychological, and social perspectives into the formulation of patients with depression during pregnancy and the postpartum.
This module focuses on the reading and interpretation of the perinatal literature, in both professional and lay media. Learners will demonstrate the ability to analyze reproductive psychiatry issues as portrayed by the lay media, how to locate and analyze the scientific literature relevant to the issues raised by the lay media, and how to convey the patients accurate and clinical relevant information about “hot topics” in the lay media.